How to Make Vulnerability Your New Superpower this Winter


Your Shared Space for Wellbeing Online

I am very excited to introduce this new set-up for being together online.

Most of us are missing spending quality time with friends and family. We’ve sat through zoom sessions with so many people on the call that we don’t know who’s there and there’s limited opportunities to contribute or talk together.

With our small group size of 12 people we have the opportunity to create friendly, intimate groups of people interested in the same kinds of issuesThere will be plenty of time to get to know each other and to explore the topic together.

Our first course will be:

How to Make Vulnerability Your New
Superpower this Winter.

How are you feeling about the winter ahead?

As the days get shorter and it’s less attractive to be outdoors, we may be feeling quite anxious and vulnerable. We’re wondering how things will be this winter. We’re worried about friends and family and our own livelihoods and wellbeing.

For many people vulnerability can feel like weakness, as if we’re helpless in the face of whatever happens to us. In fact, when we really connect with these feelings, we can discover a deeper courage.

This course will look at how to make vulnerability our new superpower to help us through whatever lies ahead this winter. When we are at ease with our own vulnerability it is easier to recognize it in other people. It helps to increase our empathic understanding and deepens our wellbeing.

We’ll learn a range of meditation exercises to help us put this into practice and take a look at the science that backs them up.

How the course is organized

  • The course will begin on 25 November 2020 
  • Sessions will take place from 19.00 to 20.30 CET 
  • We will focus on a different topic each week:

    – 25 November 2020: Accepting our vulnerability

    – 02 December 2020: Finding ease with uncertainty and change
    – 09 December 2020: The whole perspective on vulnerability
    – 16 December 2020: Remembering that everything matters
  • The main learning will take place in the ZOOM sessions – one for each week of the course. Participants will find the ZOOM links on the course platform.
  • The ZOOM sessions will be backed up by the course platform which means that course participants can:- make online profiles so we can get to know each other.

– have access to a resources section for each session
– comment and ask questions on the course platform in addition to the ZOOM sessions.

Course price for the full course 45 euros

You can register through this button 

Meet Maureen,
your course facilitator

Hello there 

Thanks so much for checking out this online course. 

I am the founder-director of Awareness in Action. We focus on supporting people to make meditation, kindness and compassion part of their everyday lives. 

It’s great that you are joining in this new initiative: Your Shared Space for Wellbeing Online and taking part in our first course.

Hope to see you on the course!

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