Four Ways to Find Joy

flower and sun

Your Shared Space for Wellbeing Online

Most of us are missing spending quality time with friends and family. We’ve sat through zoom sessions with so many people on the call that we don’t know who’s there and there’s limited opportunities to contribute or talk together. 

With our small group size of just 12 people, we have the opportunity to create friendly, intimate groups of people interested in the same kinds of issues. There will be plenty o time to get to know each other and to explore the topic together. 

This new online initiative was launched last autumn. Our first course was a wonderful course on vulnerability. People enjoyed the coziness of a small group working together on Zoom and we got into some good discussions. 

Now it’s time to turn to our second topic and this time the topic is Joy.

Four Ways to Find Joy at the End of a Hard Winter


Many of us have spent the winter in lockdown, with little chance to see friends and family. It’s felt like a long winter.


With all the news about the Corona virus it’s all too easy to feel anxious about how things are going to work out. There’s so much to worry about that it’s not always easy to find enough joy to lift our spirits.


The extraordinary thing about joy is that it can come in the most unexpected ways and at the times we least expect it.


Unlike happiness, joy does not need to be stimulated by external events—it comes from within our own hearts and minds. When we can find some peace with who we are and reach out to other people with kindness and compassion the seeds of joy are firmly rooted.


We’ll look at what science has discovered about the power of joy and we’ll learn new exercises and meditations to help grow and strengthen our joy.

How the course is organized


  • The course will begin on 23 February 2021 
  • Sessions will take place from 19.00 to 20.30 CET 
  • We will focus on a different topic each week: 

    – 23 February 2021: Know what joy is

    – 2 March 2021: Ways to support joy
    – 9 March 2021: Some obstacles to joy
    – 16 March 2021: Shifting our attitude

  • The main learning will take place in the ZOOM sessions – one for each week of the course. Participants will find the ZOOM links on the course platform.
  • The ZOOM sessions will be backed up by the course platform which means that course participants can:

    – make online profiles so we can get to know each other.

    – have access to a resources section for each session.
    – comment and ask questions on the course platform in addition to the ZOOM sessions.

What people said about the Vulnerability course

I would recommend this short course on zoom to anyone who feels the need to get help with that ‘shaky’ part that we all have. You would find new ideas to help, meet like minded people, and have fun, too.

Maureen is a great teacher. She makes you reflect on your habits. Always a pleasure to work with her. 

Course price for the full course 45 euros

You can register through this button 

Meet Maureen,
your course facilitator

Hi there

Thanks for your interest in this course.

It’s been an adventure to do the preparation for this course and certainly helped me along through the dark winter months.

It would be lovely if you decide to join us and become part of our zoom circle of friends.

Take care, Maureen

Icons made by SRIP

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